Marine Geoscience Data System
MGL0910 Seismic:Velocity:Model
Crustal and topmost mantle velocity structure of the Endeavour segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge (Arnoux et al., 2019)
This data set consists of a tomographic model of the anisotropic P-wave seismic velocity structure of the crust and topmost mantle beneath the seafloor at the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The model was derived from active-source data acquired during the ETOMO 3-D seismic tomography experiment conducted during Langseth cruise MGL0910 in 2009 (chief scientists Doug Toomey, Emilie Hooft, William Wilcock). The model and results are described in Arnoux et al. (2019). A three-dimensional, iterative tomographic technique was used to invert 96,155 Pg refraction, 105,000 PmP reflection, and 12,000 Pn refraction arrival times to constrain isotropic slowness and seismic anisotropy within the crust and topmost mantle, in addition to Moho depth. The data set is in ASCII format and contains longitude, latitude, and P-wave velocity perturbations (dVp) relative to a depth-dependent, off-axis velocity average. The P-wave velocity perturbations are given at depths of 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3.0, 3.6, 4.2, 5.2, 5.8, and 7.8 km depth below seafloor. All depths are masked in regions of poor ray coverage and poor resolution. This data set was generated as part of the projects called (1) ETOMO: Endeavour Seismic Tomography Experiment and Testing Models of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Segmentation: A 3-D Seismic Tomography Experiment at the Endeavour Ridge and (2) Next-generation 3D imaging of the on- and off-axis mantle and crustal magmatic systems at the Endeavour segment. Funding was provided by NSF grants OCE‐1634786, OCE04-54747, OCE04-54700, and OCE‐0651123.
Device Info
Marcus G. Langseth
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).

Data Files



Data Citation Information

ISO/XML Metadata
