Marine Geoscience Data System
AT11-20 Biology:LarvalFlux
Processed Larval Flux Time Series Data from the East Pacific Rise at 9N acquired during R/V Atlantis expedition AT11-20 (2004)
This data set was acquired during Atlantis expedition AT11-20 conducted in 2004 (Chief Scientist: Dr. Marvin Lilley. Investigators: Dr. Diane Adams, Dr. Lauren Mullineaux, and Dr. Stace Beaulieu). The data files are in Microsoft Excel format and include Larval Flux time series data that was processed after data collection. Data was acquired as part of the projects: Biocomplexity: Smart Sensors for In Situ Monitoring of Hydrothermal Vent Systems; Establishing a Role for Fe and S Microbial Metabolism in Ocean Crust Weathering; Time-Series Larval Studies in the Deep Sea; and The Interaction of Microbial Biofilms and Fluid Chemistry on Larval Settlement. Funding was provided by NSF grants: OCE01-19999, OCE02-41791, and DOEI. This data was cited by Beaulieu et al., 2009 and Adams and Mulline aux, 2008.
Device Info
NotApplicable (Mooring)
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).

Data Files


Acquisition Information


Data Citation Information

ISO/XML Metadata
