Marine Geoscience Data System

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All data and metadata records cataloged in the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) are tied to a field expedition or to a compilation. Each field program or compilation can have one or many data sets related to it. The MGDS data catalog includes information and links to data held within our system and at external repositories. It also includes information about data sets that are known to exist but are not yet in any digital archive. For details of the MGDS data model, click here.


The search parameters used to generate the results are listed at the top of the results page. The search URL, which contains the parameters, is also provided at the top of the results page and can be used to re-run the search. Search results can be re-sorted by clicking on any column heading. The sparkline symbol is a link to more information about a term.

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Search Results Buttons

sparkline Group the results by compilation or field program.
sparkline Group the results into unique data sets.
sparkline Generate a pipe-delimited spreadsheet-ready ASCII table of the search results.
sparkline Begin a new search.
sparkline Display Expedition ship tracks and geographic bounds of Compilations in an interactive map interface.

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List By Data Set

When List results by Data set is selected, the search results are arranged alphabetically by Data Type.

Data Type

Hyperlinked (underlined) data sets link either to a page that allows download of publicly-available data or, for multiple data sets, to a page listing the component data sets. Data sets which contain data that are under proprietary restriction are indicated as such. Data sets at external repositories are identified with the sparkline symbol. Unlinked data sets are known to exist but are not yet in any digital repository. Note that the number of data sets provided at the top of the search results page is the total number of data sets that match the criteria. Since some data sets are clustered together because of identical basic metadata, this number may not match the total number of rows displayed.

The Field, Field:Compilation and Derived labels denote the class of data. Field data denote raw, cleaned or processed data from the field, while Derived data have undergone additional processing or analysis steps that fundamentally change the format of the data. Derived data types include grids, images, visualizations and lab analyses.

Start/Stop Date

Indicates the date range of the data. For Expeditions this is based on the start/end dates of the field program, while for compilations, if provided, it indicates the start/end times of data included in the compilation.

Instrument Info

This column identifies the platform used to acquire the data (e.g. name of ship or dive vehicle) the device type (e.g. OBS or CHIRP), and provides links to dive, line, and station information if available.

Lead Investigator

Using data submission information, we strive to tie data sets to the appropriate investigator(s) as listed in this column. Where no lead investigator was identified, the name of the chief scientist is used. If this information needs to be updated, please contact us.


Each term here is a link to the program page which provides access to all cataloged data sets associated with the program and includes basic program information and associated logs, documents, and reports.


Clicking the drop-down for Data Set References will display all publications directly tied to that data set. Otherwise, the drop-down for Program References will display all references registered for the overall expedition or compilation.

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List By Expedition/Compilation

When List results by Expedition/Compilation is selected, the search results are arranged in reverse chronological order.


This is the name of the Field Program (Research Cruise or Land Campaign) or Data Compilation. Each term in this column is a link to a page that provides access to all cataloged data sets associated with the program and also includes basic information, associated logs, documents, and reports. The drop-down for Data Sets will display all data sets cataloged for this expedition or compilation.

Platform name

The platform (e.g. ship name, submersible name etc) that was used to acquire the data.

Lead Investigator

The name of the person identified as the chief scientist. All investigators for the expedition/compilation, as well as participants in the program, are listed on the expedition/compilation page.


Clicking the drop-down for Program References will display all references registered for the expedition or compilation.

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We need your feedback

We strive to provide accurate, current information. Please contact us with updates or additional information.

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