
Raw Seismic Navigation Data from the Juan de Fuca Spreading Center acquired during the R/V Maurice Ewing expedition EW0207 (2002)
This data set from the Juan de Fuca Spreading Center was acquired with the LDEO Multi-Channel Seismic system during R/V Maurice Ewing expedition EW0207 conducted in 2002 (Chief Scientist: Dr. Suzanne Carbotte). These data files are of UKOOA P1/90 format and include Seismic Navigation data that have not been processed. For this experiment, the primary navigation source files for seismic data processing are the Seismic Shot Point Navigation data. Data were acquired as part of the project: A MCS Investigation to Study Axial Crustal Structure and Alteration of Upper Crust at the Juan de Fuca Spreading Center, and funding was provided by NSF grants: OCE00-02488, OCE00-02551, and OCE00-02600. These data are cited by Carbotte et al., 2006, Carbotte et al., 2008, Canales et al., 2006, and Canales et al., 2005.
Diebold, John
Data have not been processed or modified since acquisition (e.g. Realtime navigation or sonar data, raw images etc.).
Data Files
Acquisition Information
ISO/XML Metadata