Marine Geoscience Data System
SKQ201402S Magnetic:Anomaly:IGRF
Sea-surface magnetic anomaly processed data (ASCII format), Jurassic Quiet Zone survey (SKQ201402S, 2014-2015)
This sea-surface magnetics data set was collected with a towed total field SeaSPY precession magnetometer during the 2014-2015 Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201402S to the western Pacific (chief scientists Masako Tominaga and Maurice Tivey). The data file is in ASCII format and was derived from the raw data as follows: The raw data values were corrected for position behind the ship, split into lines and resampled on a 0.25 minute (463 m) on latitude data spacing. The processed ASCII data file contains three columns: Longitude, Latitude, IGRF-Corrected Magnetic Anomaly. The data set was generated as part of the projects called A Deep-AUV Magnetic and Seismic Study of the Hawaiian Jurassic Crust - The Global Significance of Jurassic Magnetic Anomalies; and, A High-Resolution Deep-AUV Magnetic Survey of the Hawaiian Jurassic Basin. Funding was provided from NSF awards EAR10-29965, OCE10-29573 and EAR12-33000.
Device Info
University of Alaska
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).

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