Processed multichannel seismic data in the western Woodlark Basin, acquired during the R/V Maurice Ewing survey EW9910 (1999)
This 1999 Ewing cruise offshore Papua New Guinea, collecting MCS and OBS/OBH data, involved researchers from the University of Hawaii (UH), Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), and the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). The first part of the cruise was an ODP site survey to characterize in detail the low-angle fault at the rift-to-spreading transition in the Woodlark Basin. UH worked on the MCS and LDEO on the OBS/OBH data. UCSC processed the data from the second part of the cruise which focused on the source region of a 1998 tsunami along the northern continental margin of Papua New Guinea. The purpose of the early part of the cruise was to study the seismicity of an active continental breakup in the western Woodlark Basin. The goal of the second part was to study the internal structure of the tsunami source region. Funded by NSF grants OCE 9730864, OCE 9730824, OCE 9730567, and OCE 9725792.
Moore, Gregory
Device Info
Seismic: MCS
Maurice Ewing (Array)
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).
Data Files
Acquisition Information
ISO/XML Metadata