Stacked receiver functions and station orientation estimates for Cascadia OBS stations (investigators Janiszewski, Gaherty, Abers)
This data set contains a station information table and a set of stacked receiver function data files. For each OBS station in the StationInfo file, a file exists containing the stacked receiver function for that station under the name Network_StationName_RFStack. The receiver functions are calculated in the vertical-radial-transverse coordinate system and filtered with a 0.1 Hz high pass prior to deconvolution. The time-domain iterative deconvolution method of Ligorria and Ammon (1999) is used to calculation the radial component receiver function from earthquakes that had visible P-wave arrivals. Signals are filtered with a low-pass Gaussian filter during the deconvolution; the data presented here have been filtered with a corner at 0.4 Hz. Each station stack is calculated as a linear stack without move-out correction, normalized by the number of earthquakes that were included. The receiver function data files are in ASCII format and contain two columns. The first column is the time axis in seconds where the zero time is aligned with the P-wave arrival. The second column is the stacked receiver function. The README file included with this archive provides a complete description of the processing that produced the time series. The ASCII station information table contains orientation estimates for the OBS stations. The receiver functions were used to re-calculate the OBS horizontal orientations by performing a grid search for maximum radial component receiver function energy from 0-360 degrees. These values and their uncertainty ranges are given for each OBS in the final three columns of the StationInfo file. The OBS data was acquired during the Cascadia Initiative program. The data files presented here were generated as part of a project called Thermal structure, hydration and dehydration of the entire Juan de Fuca Plate. Funding for this project came from NSF grant OCE13-34831. The data set is referenced in Janiszewski and Abers, 2015.
Janiszewski, Helen
Gaherty, James
Abers, Geoffrey
Cornell University
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).
Data Files
Data Citation Information
ISO/XML Metadata