Seismic Navigation Data (P2 format) from the Eastern North American Margin acquired during the Marcus G. Langseth expedition MGL1407 (2014)
This data set was acquired with the LDEO Multi-Channel Seismic system during R/V Marcus G. Langseth expedition MGL1407 conducted in 2014 (Chief Scientist: Dr. Deborah Hutchinson; Investigator(s): Dr. Deborah Hutchinson and Dr. Nathaniel Miller). These Seismic Navigation data files are of U.K.O.O.A. P2/94 format. The USGS conducted a 21-day geophysical survey along the Atlantic continental margin using R/V Marcus G. Langseth, expedition MGL1407 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-011). The purpose was to collect multichannel seismic reflection data along the deep water portions of the margin (a) to determine sediment thickness and enable the U.S. to delineate the Atlantic extended continental shelf (ECS), and (b) to understand large submarine landslides and therefore assess their potential tsunami hazard for infrastructure and communities living on the Eastern Seaboard. The survey was conducted across the Atlantic continental margin, from near the junction of the slope and upper rise, in water depths greater than 1500 m, out to the abyssal floor in water depths greater than 5000 m. This field program had two primary objectives. 1) To collect the data necessary to establish the outer limits of the U.S. Continental Shelf, or Extended Continental Shelf (ECS), as defined by Article 76 of the Convention of the Law of the Sea. 2) To study the sudden mass transport of sediments down the continental margin as submarine landslides that pose potential tsunamigenic hazards to the Atlantic and Caribbean coastal communities. (
Hutchinson, Deborah
Miller, Nathan C.
Data have not been processed or modified since acquisition (e.g. Realtime navigation or sonar data, raw images etc.).
Data Files
Acquisition Information
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