Raw XBT Expendable Probe Data from the Eastern Lau Spreading Center acquired during the Marcus G. Langseth expedition MGL0903 (2009)
This data set was acquired with a Sippican T-5 XBT Expendable Probe during Marcus G. Langseth expedition MGL0903 conducted in 2009 (Chief Scientist: Dr. Robert Dunn). These data files are of Sippican MK21 Export Data File format and include Sound Velocity and Temperature data that have not been processed. Data were acquired as part of the project(s): Crustal Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the Subduction-Influenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center, and funding was provided by NSF grant(s): OCE04-26369, OCE04-26408, and OCE04-26428.
Dunn, Robert
Data have not been processed or modified since acquisition (e.g. Realtime navigation or sonar data, raw images etc.).
Data Files
Acquisition Information
ISO/XML Metadata