Near-bottom photographs collected with the TowCam sled at the East Pacific Rise 9-50N site collected during New Horizon cruise TCS06NH (2006, investigator Daniel Fornari)
These photographs were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera attached to the TowCam sled. They are in JPEG format and were generated as part of the projects called Oceanographic and Topographic Influences on Dispersal of Hydrothermal Vent Species; Continuation Time-Series Responses to a Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanic Event: Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges; and, ABR: Detailed Mapping and Modeling of Submarine Lava Flows and Emplacement Processes: The East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 25'N to 9 degrees 55'N. Funding was provided with NSF awards OCE04-24953, OCE02-22069 and OCE05-25863.
Fornari, Daniel
Data have not been processed or modified since acquisition (e.g. Realtime navigation or sonar data, raw images etc.).
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