Edited Alvin Navigation Data (SHP format) from the Juan de Fuca Spreading Center - Endeavour Segment acquired during the Atlantis expedition AT15-36 (2008)
This data set was acquired with a Navigation system on the HOV Alvin during Atlantis expedition AT15-36 conducted in 2008 (Chief Scientist: Dr. James Holden). These data files are of Shapefile format and include Navigation data and were processed after data collection. Data were acquired as part of the project(s): Collaborative Research: Modeling hyperthermophile growth in deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits and diffuse fluids, CAREER: Hydrothermal vent flow and temperature fluctuations: exploring long-term variability through an integrated research and education program, and Long-term monitoring of hydrothermal activity at Axial Volcano, and funding was provided by NSF grant(s): NA17RJ1233, OCE04-49578, OCE07-31947, and OCE07-32611.
Holden, James
A level of processing has been undertaken, ensuring quality control (e.g. ping edited sonar data, edited navigation data).
Data Files
Acquisition Information
ISO/XML Metadata