Processed ship-based Navigation Data from the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone acquired during the Maurice Ewing expedition EW9907 (1999)
This data set was acquired with a ship-based Navigation system during Maurice Ewing expedition EW9907 conducted in 1999 (Chief Scientist: Dr. Nathan Bangs). These data files are of Text File (ASCII) format and include Navigation data and were processed after data collection. Data were acquired as part of the project(s): A 3-D Seismic Investigation of the Aseismic to Seismic Transition along the Eurasian-Phillippine Sea Plate Boundary: U.S.-Japan Cooperative Program, Seismic Velocity, Compaction, and Pore Pressure in Underthrust Sediments, Nankai Subduction Zone, and A 3-D Seismic Investigation of the Sediment-to-Rock Transition and Its Relationship to Nankai Subduction Thrust Seismicity: U.S.-Japan Collaborative Program, and funding was provided by NSF grant(s): OCE02-41375, OCE02-41380, OCE02-41482, OCE97-30637, OCE98-02264, and OCE98-02295.
Bangs, Nathan
A level of processing has been undertaken, ensuring quality control (e.g. ping edited sonar data, edited navigation data).
Data Files
Data Citation Information
ISO/XML Metadata