Receiver Type: Hydrophone_Streamer
Source Type: SeismicSource_Gun_Air
Acquisition System Name: GUS 4200 Marine System
Acquisition System Type: digital
Seismic Nav System: several hours of GPS each day plus conventional transit satellite fixes and dead reckoning.
Survey Datum: WGS84
Source to Near Channel (m): 180
Antenna to Source (m): null
Number of Channels Recorded: 96
Channel Length (m): 33.33
Cable Receiver Depth (m): null
Source Volume (cubicInches): 1064
Source Pressure (bars): 138
Source Number: null
Source Depth (m): null
Shot Control: time
Shot Interval (s or m): 20: except Line 3 (strong currents caused an increase in ship speed over the ground decreasing the shot time interval to less than then 19 seconds)
Compass Birds: no
Tail Buoy Positioning: no
Recording Delay: no