Receiver Type: Hydrophone_Streamer
Source Type: SeismicSource_Gun_Air_GI
Acquisition System Name: GeoEel
Acquisition System Type: digital
Seismic Nav System: GPS
Survey Datum: WGS84
Source to Near Channel (m): 76.25: line 3; 55.25: channel 9 for remaining lines
Antenna to Source (m): 53: line 3; 54: remaining lines
Number of Channels Recorded: 72: line 3; 64: remaining lines
Channel Length (m): 6.25 or 12.5 depending on which geometry used and which channel
Cable Receiver Depth (m): 3
Source Volume (cubicInches): 45/105 for 2 guns: lines 1, 3, 5a, 12; 45/105 for 2 then 1 gun: line 7; 45/105 for one gun: remaining lines
Source Pressure (bars): 138
Source Number: 2: lines 1, 3, 5a, 12; 2 to 1: line 7; 1: remaining lines
Source Depth (m): 2
Shot Control: time
Shot Interval (s or m): 5: line 3; 5 to 6: line 1; 6: remaining lines
Compass Birds: yes
Tail Buoy Positioning: no
Recording Delay: no