Marine Geoscience Data System
PuckLagoon_Janowski Backscatter:Acoustic, Backscatter:Optical, Bathymetry, Photograph
Bathymetry and remote sensing data of the Puck Lagoon, Southern Baltic Sea
Along the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea, Puck Lagoon provides the most valuable benthic habitats. Despite this, the area previously lacked high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data sets which are essential for enhancing our understanding of this biodiverse area. To address the lack of data, a new project called "The pioneering exploration of the Puck Lagoon based on high-resolution airborne and acoustic remote sensing" set out to collect the first comprehensive set of marine and aerial measurements of the seafloor covering the entire lagoon.​​​​​ The project is part of the National Science Centre SONATINA 5 research programme. This data set presents a range of bathymetry and remote sensing data generated as part of the project. There are seven GeoTIFF grids and one GeoTIFF image. The GeoTIFF grids are referenced in PL-EVRF2007-NH vertical system and UTM-34N projected coordinate system based on the ETRS89 ellipsoid. The majority of the files are named from the measuring source used for acquisition, as follows. The MBES_DEM and MBES_BSS grids represent digital elevation model (bathymetry) and backscatter of the acoustic signal acquired with Teledyne Reson T50/T20 multibeam echo-sounders. The LIDAR_DEM and LIDAR_INTENSITY grids represent the digital elevation model and intensity of the laser signal, respectively, from an airborne bathymetric LiDAR Riegl VQ-880-GII instrument. The PHOTO_DEM grid provides a digital elevation model derived after treating airborne photographs with Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques and then using the DepthLearn algorithm to correct for water refraction. The photographs were acquired with two PhaseOne iXM-100 airborne photogrammetry cameras. The ORTHOPHOTO GeoTIFF image represents an ortho-rectified image of the research area. The INTEGRATED_DEM grid was generated artificially by unification of digital elevation models from the multibeam echo-sounders and bathymetric LiDAR. The SDB grid shows Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SBD) for the research area generated from SPOT-6 satellite imagery. All grids and the ortho-rectified image have a pixel size resolution of 0.2 m except for the SDB grid that has coarser cell resolution, approximately 5x8 m. Spatially, the study site covers an area of approximately 103 km2 but, depending on the method used, the coverage of each data type is different. This research was funded by grant number 2021/40/C/ST10/00240 from the National Science Centre, Poland. The contribution of Dr. Panagiotis Agrafiotis is part of the MagicBathy project funded by the European Union HORIZON research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 101063294.
Device Info
Device Info
Reson:SeaBat T50/T20
Device Info
Phase One:iXM-100
Device Info
Riegl:VQ-880-G II
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).

Data Files



Data Citation Information

ISO/XML Metadata
