Marine Geoscience Data System
GT8907 Seismic Reflection/Refraction
Processed Unmigrated Time Stack, Prestack Depth-Migrated, and Depth-to-Time-converted seismic data from the EDGE-302 deep crustal seismic reflection transect of the eastern Aleutian arc-trench
This data set represents processed Multi-Channel Seismic (MCS) profiles acquired in July 1988 with the Digicon recording vessel Geotide. The four versions of data files presented here, in SEG-Y format, are in progressively advanced stages of processing. Processing was carried out at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany using PRAKLA-SEISMOS software on a CONVEX computer. The unmigrated time stack (file EDGE_302_stack.sgy) used a standard processing flow of scaling, multiple removal, deconvolution, filtering, Velocity analysis, Normal Moveout, and Stacking. The initial Prestack depth migration (file EDGE_302_tmig2d.sgy) was then performed using depth focusing analysis on migrated common image gather iteratively to build a velocity field in depth. The final prestack depth migration (file EDGE_302_dmig.sgy) had additional weighting of the amplitudes below the top of the oceanic plate and cleaning of remaining multiple energy applied. The final prestack depth migration was converted to time (file EDGE_302_tmig.sgy). The unmigrated time has a CMP interval of 12.5m; all others are 25m. Additional details for each data file are given in the associated data file details document. The project was supported by National Science Foundation Grant EAR87-21194 and Texaco Oil Company.
Device Info
Geotide (Array)
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).

Data Files


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