Catalog of earthquakes at Axial Seamount relocated with three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity models from a joint inversion of earthquake arrival times for velocity and hypocentral parameters
This data set comprises an earthquake catalog derived by relocating earthquakes on Axial Seamount from January 2015 through February 2017 using 3-D P-wave and S-wave velocity models obtained from a joint inversion of earthquake P-wave and S-wave arrival times for velocity structure and earthquake locations. The arrival times were obtained from the seismic network on the Ocean Observatories Initiative Cabled Array at Axial Seamount. The study that obtained the catalog is described in Baillard and Wilcock (2019). The catalog is presented in two files, one that includes only hypocenters and one that includes both hypocenters and phase information. Both files are in NonLinLoc format. NonLinLoc is documented in general at and the specific format for the catalog files is documented at The data files were generated as part of a project called Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Earthquakes at Axial Seamount Late in an Eruptive Cycle, and funding for this work was provided by NSF award OCE-1536219.
Baillard, Christian
Wilcock, William
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).
Data Files
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ISO/XML Metadata