MR1 processed towfish navigation data, Northern Galapagos, Melville cruise MV1007 (2010)
Towed MR1 processed towfish navigation data for the Northern Galapagos, collected in 2010 during Melville cruise MV1007 (investigator Karen Harpp). The towfish navigation data was extracted from the most-evolved processed bathymetry/sidescan data files that were acquired as part of the project called Plume-Ridge Interaction in the Northern Galapagos: Understanding mantle-lithosphere dynamics through geochemistry, geophysical mapping, and gravity modeling, with funding provided by NSF grant OCE09-26491. The files are in ASCII format.
Harpp, Karen
Colgate University
The data have been processed/modified to a level beyond that of basic quality control (e.g. final processed sonar data, photo-mosaics).
Data Files
Acquisition Information
Data Citation Information
ISO/XML Metadata