Marine Geoscience Data System

Data DOI: 10.1594/IEDA/326504

Russell, Joshua, et al., (2020), NoMelt: 1-D elastic model and uncertainties beneath the NoMelt Central Pacific array. Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS). doi:10.1594/IEDA/326504
NoMelt: 1-D elastic model and uncertainties beneath the NoMelt Central Pacific array
The data set contains 7 ASCII files and one ASCII README for a 1-D elastic model and uncertainties beneath the NoMelt array in the central Pacific Ocean. The data files contain the 1-D model of transversely isotropic structure (Vsv, Vsh, Vpv, Vph, eta) and azimuthal anisotropy (Gc, Gs, Bc, Bs, Hc, Hs, Ec, Es) and associated confidence bounds beneath the NoMelt array obtained from inversion of 5–150 s Rayleigh and 5–7.5 s Love waves. The most well-constrained parameters in the model are Vsv, Gc, Gs to 300 km depth and Vsh, Ec, Es to 40 km depth. The remaining parameters are obtained through a priori scaling, as described in Russell et al. (2019). More details are given in the included README file. The radial knots in the azimuthal anisotropy files (NoMelt_ANISO_med.csv, NoMelt_ANISO_l95.csv, NoMelt_ANISO_u95.csv, NoMelt_ANISO_l68.csv, and NoMelt_ANISO_u68.csv) are at the mid-points of the knots in the transversely isotropic file (NoMelt_TI.csv). Although Q was not solved, a generic estimate of oceanic Q is included (NoMelt_Q.csv) only for the purposes of estimating physical dispersion corrections to phase velocity to facilitate reproducibility of Russell et al. (2019). The data files and README are in ASCII format and were generated as part of a project funded under NSF awards OCE-0928270, OCE-1538229, EAR-1361487, and DGE-16-44869. The SIO ocean-bottom seismometers used for the study were deployed in 2011 on Langseth cruise MGL1115 and recovered one year later during Melville cruise MV1218.
Russell, Joshua
Gaherty, James
Lin, Pei-Ying
Lizarralde, Dan
Collins, John
Hirth, Gregory
Evans, Robert
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Funding source(s):
National Science Foundation: 1644869
National Science Foundation: 1361487
National Science Foundation: 0928270
National Science Foundation: 1538229
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0] URI:

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